Powdered additive with collagen for wrinkled and/or flaccid skin.
Tones the skin tissues and boosts its natural regeneration.
4gr * 5 units.
Professional use.
Collagen is an essential protein in the maintenance of skin structures produced by fibroblasts. It is responsible for providing consistency, elasticity and firmness as well as moisture to the skin. It is an important active ingredient in the fight against aging to combat the appearance of wrinkles, a feeling of tightness, as well as the lack of flexibility.
It is recommended to pour the content of a tube of POWDERFUL with BIOBOOST GEL BASE into a bowl and mix them with enveloping movements until a homogeneous mixture is obtained.
Then apply and distribute evenly a thick layer over the face with the help of a spatula or brush, starting at the forehead, continuing towards the cheeks and chin and ending with the perilabial area and nose, always from medial to distal.
After the exposure time, wash the treated area starting with the central area, cheeks and finish on the forehead. Remove the product with a spatula and rinse with water the remaining of the product. No need to neutralize the product.
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